BreathWorks Coach & Facilitator


As a Trandsformation Life Coach I truly believe that working with a life coach helps to brings you the clarity, motivation, belief and accountability you need to live your happiest, healthiest and most prosperous life.As a Mindfulness Meditation Coach, I believe Living a Mindfulness lifestyle will help to increase your ability to regulate emotions, decrease stress, anxiety and depression. As well as help to focus your attention, as well as to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. "Mindfulness is a Super Power!"Combining the two ...having that guidance of your life coach and Choosing to live a life of Mindfulness you will live your best life ever!!It is my passion to encourage and support you to consciously create a life you love to live, no matter your age or stage in life. It’s never too late to start! a journey worth traveling! Let's talk about it here. Every Podcast will encourage you to Live your best life at your best.... Stay tune!!

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